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The podcast where experts and enthusiasts competitively collaborate on the creation of screen-centric "best of" lists! Hosted by Clay Keller and Ryan Marker. 

Jan 29, 2019

Darren Franich (Entertainment Weekly) joins the commissioners for the most epic and contentious draft in the history of drafts, as they determine the 17 best films of 2018!

Recorded at the Aero in Santa Monica, CA

Jan 23, 2019

The commissioners are joined by friend of the show Darren Franich to draft their picks for who should take home the gold at the 2019 Oscar ceremony. 

Jan 18, 2019

Amy Nicholson (Unspooled) and Eva Anderson (You're The Worst) draft the best films from the nearly 60 year career of tall drink of scary water Christopher Lee. 

Recorded at the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica

Jan 9, 2019

Angela Matano returns, and brings along her pal, director Alec Tibaldi, to draft the best films that are most notable for their famous nude scene(s).