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The podcast where experts and enthusiasts competitively collaborate on the creation of screen-centric "best of" lists! Hosted by Clay Keller and Ryan Marker. 

Feb 22, 2022

Lawyers Larry Zerner (Friday the 13th: Part 3) and Marc Calderaro ("I Feel Attacked") rank the best movies ever set in a court of law!

Feb 15, 2022

Chancellor Agard (Entertainment Weekly) and Derek Lawrence (The World's #1 Hitch Fan) rank the 7 best Will Smith movies ever made!

Feb 8, 2022

Angelique Jackson (Variety) and Carla Renata (The Curvy Film Critic) rank the 7 best movies ever made about Black romance! With guest co-commissioner Wynter Mitchell (Waiting to X-hale)!

Feb 1, 2022

Wynter Mitchell (Waiting to X-hale podcast) and Guy Branum (Talk Show the Game Show) rank the best films starring the incomparable Whoopi Goldberg! Check out Guy's upcoming stand-up shows on his website: