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The podcast where experts and enthusiasts competitively collaborate on the creation of screen-centric "best of" lists! Hosted by Clay Keller and Ryan Marker. 

Aug 29, 2023

Screen Drafts rookies Kyle Turner (The Queer Film Guide: 100 Great Movies that Tell LGBTQIA+ Stories) and Juan Barquin (writer & film programmer) join the draft table to rank the 7 best QUEER CRIME films ever made! 

Aug 21, 2023

Writers Emily St. James and Libby Hill return to the virtual draft table to rank the 7 best movies ever made about COUNTRY MUSIC!

Aug 15, 2023

Screen Drafts veterans Eva Anderson and Clarke Wolfe meet for the first time to rank the 7 best directorial debuts from established screenwriters, in a draft concieved by Patreon Official Sponsor Mark Rozeman, who also joins us for the trivia!

Aug 8, 2023

Seasoned drafters (but first time Screen Drafts guest GMs) Ian Karmel and Sean Jordan (All Fantasy Everything) competitively / collaboratively rank the 7 best films starring Casamigos founder George Clooney! 

Aug 1, 2023

Dave's back! Nearly two years after the controversial JAMES BOND draft, Dave Schilling has returned to Screen Drafts, this time ranking the best super hero films from the 1990s with / against Screen Drafts legend Darren Franich.